POD2112: SAP’s Meaghan Sullivan on the ‘Corona Effect’
The coronavirus is disrupting both business and ordinary life. Technology companies around the world are canceling events, closing offices, banning travel, and telling employees to work from home. Vendors are scrambling to recalibrate their marketing strategies and programs as their traditional events and conferences are either off the calendar or changed to digital formats. Many vendors anticipate short-term disruptions to their sales and marketing – direct, to the channel, and through partners. Some vendors speculate that the Corona Effect could radically transform the way vendors market to and through the channel. Through this industry-wide realignment, channel and marketing leaders are beginning to envision a future with new marketing and sales tools, content, and techniques that could supplant or eliminate the need for some traditional tried-and-true lead-generation and sales processes. On the front lines of the corona-induced realignment is Meaghan Sullivan, head of global partner marketing and SME at SAP. Sullivan is among the many channel marketing leaders adjusting marketing strategies and programs to compensate for disruptions caused by the virus outbreak. Sullivan joins POD2112 to share what’s happening on the channel marketing front lines and how the coronavirus could reshape marketing strategies in the long run.

Meaghan Sullivan
Head of Global Partner Marketing and SME, SAP

Larry Walsh
CEO & Chief Analyst, The 2112 Group
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