POD2112: IT By Design’s Sunny Kaila on Supporting MSPs in Crisis
As businesses scramble to shift their workforces from offices to remote work, MSPs are racing to get clients up and running quickly with stable endpoints, platforms, and support. While MSPs are built to deliver services remotely, not all are equipped to meet the volume and variety of clients’ IT needs in times of extreme crisis. IT By Design – a master MSP that specializes in supporting solution providers with their technical, infrastructure, and human resources needs – is seeing an increase in requests for help amid the coronavirus pandemic. Mitigation measures are revealing providers’ strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. IT By Design CEO Sunny Kaila joins POD2112 to discuss how MSPs are coping with COVID-19’s fallout.

Sunny Kaila
CEO, IT by Design

Larry Walsh
CEO & Chief Analyst, The 2112 Group
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